Pretty lady denounces feminism, reveals she wants to be a submissive wife - Nigelzient



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Sunday, February 05, 2023

Pretty lady denounces feminism, reveals she wants to be a submissive wife


A Nigerian lady simply known as Ngozi has issued a public notice that she is not a feminist and she believes in traditional way of doing things. The young woman took to her Twitter page and noted that she does not want to taken as a man’s equal neither does she want shared responsibilities.

According to her , she would respect the man’s position as the head in the relationship and will never want to drag the crown with him.

Ngozi said she wants to be taken care of and pampered as a a submissive spouse.

She wrote; “I am not an independent girl, I’m not a feminist..I don’t want 50/50. Im never gonna drag ur crown with u, Am I mad? Daddy , pls take of me.. I want to be oga wife. Nothing concern me with equality for house.”

Meanwhile a Nigerian feminist, Princess Ukoko has recounted how she lambasted a man for wanting them to share financial responsibilities equally.

She revealed that she was in a talking stage with the man and in the first week, he came up with the idea of them having a 50/50 split since she practices feminism.

Princess who shared her story via microblogging platform, Twitter said she did not know when she rained insult on him.

She wrote; Randomly remembered how I was talking to this guy, first week or so of talking stage and he said something about me being feminist & how we should do 50/50. I don’t even know when I said “May the fire of the Lord consume you & the mouth you used to utter those words”

Yes! I want women to work & support their partners financially, but ratio should not be defined, the support should be seamless & not contractual 😊

Me: I want women to support financially, but it shouldn’t be contractual.

Nigerian men: “Women don’t know what they want” “Up patriarchy” “your feminism is faux” etc….

Six years of studying comprehension in secondary school & you still can’t comprehend a simple tweet🙃

You know the beautiful thing about feminism? Choice! I can choose what I want for myself as a woman.

I can choode to do 50:50 or not to, so if you like Cry today, cry tomorrow, cry forever… won’t change my choice, shalom😘

50:50 is impossible in any human relationship, because relationships are not limited to finances alone.



Its nothing but a FALLACY.

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