Please Look At This! Isn’t This Too Much For A 4year Old (Photo) - Nigelzient


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Wednesday, March 30

Please Look At This! Isn’t This Too Much For A 4year Old (Photo)

Paid a visit to my sister. She has 2 kids 4 and 6.

They came back from school and brought out their assignments with their last term exam script.

When I went through the 4yr old script, I was baffled to see the kind of questions they have written because it’s more or less of a primary school standard.

I was told they would be starting exams in a few days time but they still came home with loads of assignments instead of allowing their parents to revise their previous class activities with them.

Not that the kids are not brilliant but I just feel of that exam questions and some of their assignments are way higher than their reasoning.

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